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Minecraft skins - Minecraft's skins for free - Skins for Minecraft

Minecraft quare-alike world has it's own adventages and disadventages. Unlike other games there years - here everything looks really simple. You can complain about it, However this squareness give you opportunity to edit the game in much easier way, than the others commercial games available on the market.

One of these edits is ability to change the Minecraft character skin in the easy as well as simple way. You can edit your player's skin just to change the default char.png file in the minecraft.jar file.

Below you can find instructions how to install new, custom skin and edit you default Steve looks, to a custom skin of your desire.

Minecraft new skin installation instruction - How to install player skin in Minecraft

  1. Open the folder with Minecraft game installed. Click the Windows button on left-bottom of the screen or press the Windows + R buttons on keyboard and then enter in the windows which appeared %appdata%.
  2. Find the dolder named .minecraft and to go to the bin folder.
  3. Right click on filer minecraft.jar and select option Open With and then choose WinRAR Archivizer or other archivization software available that you want to use.
  4. Whitin the opened minecraft.jar file find the folder named char.
  5. Go to the folder char and then find file named char.png.
  6. You need to replace file char.png with custom skin.
  7. Before you replace file char.png we suggest to make a copy of it.
  8. New file with a custom skin have to have the same name, as default - which is: char.png.
  9. You can do the same with other skins - like the skins of the monsters or animals present in the game.
  10. Remember to get the copy of all your files, which you will be editing.
  11. You can always revert the default skin, by uploading the default char.png file into appropriate directory.