Minecraft download - Minecraft for download Windows, Linux, Mac OS X
In Minecraft we have client files, which gives you opportunity to play in single player mode, or Minecraft servers files, which are used to set up and run your own Minecraft servers, to play multiplayer Minecraft games. First released version was alpha, then the beta. Finally Mojang (comapany runed by a man who created Minecraft game) finally released the stable version, which can be download for free by everyone.
On our website you can find all files that you will need with all avaliable platforms included: Minecraft client download for Windows as well as Minecraft download for Linux and Mac OSX, Minecraft servers files - Minecraft server for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, Minecraft demo, and all other files, that you will need.
Here you can find Minecraft client download for free (Minecraft sp download). Just look down and choose the link of what version you want. If you want Minecraft server download just look up for the menu on top and choose appriopriate option.
All files included should work as-is. You should use the Oracle Java Runtime Enviroment for the best performance of Minecraft gameplay.
Minecraft for Windows client download:
Minecraft download - alternative link
Minecraft for Mac OS X client download:
Minecraft downloadMinecraft download - alternative link
Minecraft for Linux, Unix and other systems download:
Minecraft downloadMinecraft download - alternative link