Minecraft items ID - Minecraft ID Items for Minecraft commands
In Minecraft you can use Minecraft commands in the multiplayer mode as the servers' admin or in the single player mode - when you have single player commands mod installed. If you want to use the command for giving your or the other player item or few items - then you need to use the /give id_item
command. For this specific command you will need to have a id items list for all the items. That is why you need to check out this Minecraft id items list below. For example to use this id items list to give yourself a 64 Diamonds you have to type: /give 264 64
. As you check the Minecraft ID Items List below you will find a 264 number beneath the Diamond picture.
I hope this ID Items List for Minecraft give command will be usefull for ever Minecraft player out there. Check out this site for more, new items ID's in the future. Feel free to experiment with many items, blocks and data in your Minecraft game. When you want to know the id of item, which you cannot find in this list - you can always contact us in the contant form.