Current time and date is Wednesday 11 September, 2024 12:44:33 CEST

We recommend the new Minecraft dungeons game!

Photo of the Minecraft Blocks article titled We recommend the new Minecraft dungeons game!

Minecraft dungeons is besically "Diablo with blocks". The new game from Mojang is a dungeon crawler.

Minecraft dungeons has a classical fantasy world. You can choose of of few characters with various skills and abilities. Fight system has a lot of arcade and action style. You can develop your character with gaining beter gear, weapons and other items.

Minecraft dungeons is available on PC as well as on consoles: Microsoft XBOX One, Sony Playstation 4 or Nintendo Switch as well. The game has also cross-play multiplayer. So you can play with people playing on PC, XBOX One, Playstation 4 or Nintendo Switch.

Added by on: 2021-04-01 10:23:09

Minecraft 1.7 new features list of Minecraft's features

Photo of the Minecraft Blocks article titled Minecraft 1.7 new features list of Minecraft's features

In Minecraft 1.7 versions, including 1.7.1, 1.7.2, 1.7.3 and so forth there is a lot of changes, including many new cool features. In our earlier news we talked bit about them. In this news we will write more specify about what new features you can find on the new version of Minecraft, starting from the Minecraft 1.7 version.

We give you a specific list of new features in the Minecraft 1.7 update. List include the features itself as well as a few informations about most of them. We have been tested them out and we have to say, that they are pretty good done, when you play new Minecraft update 1.7.

Added by on: 2013-11-20 16:46:30

Minecraft 1.7 version update is a totally new world of biomes and more

Photo of the Minecraft Blocks article titled Minecraft 1.7 version update is a totally new world of biomes and more

Minecraft has evolved so much since the first versions of this game. Minecraft game at its first alpha and beta versions was a lot diffrent in many aspects than its current version. In current Minecraft 1.6 version they are a lot of stuff, which has been added to the game since the 2009 year - when the first Minecraft version has been released. Just look at Nether, Endermans, Junges, horses, donkeys and so many new Minecraft blocks and Minecraft features added through new Minecraft's versions process.

Recently Mojang (the company who creating and updating the Minecraft game - of course) - their lead Minecraft

Added by on: 2013-09-20 19:46:33

Welcome everyone to the Minecraft Blocks website!

Today, 6th september 2013 at 16:40 CEST (Central European Time) time our Minecraft Blocks website has started. From this occasion i want to welcome everyone of you to the start up of the new, Minecraft Blocks website!

Although we are very young Minecraft website our ambition is to make the best Minecraft experience, for all Minecraft fans as well as for all people, who are just beginning their Minecraft adventure and enter the journey of the a Minecraft world!

We now a very start Minecraft service, however on our website you can find a pretty much a lot, or pretty much everything, which every dedicated Minecraft player and fan need as

Added by on: 2013-09-06 16:40:05
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